Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Side Notes

I want to first off thank everyone that is part of R4P and the community -- you guys are awesome!  I have been extremely busy the past couple days (staff meetings, the whole Obama debacle at work, open house, and oh ya, the best part -- the jerk who ran into me on 670 west that doesn't have insurance) so my interaction and posts are becoming slightly staggered, but hopefully that will change soon.

Some things I want to point out:

1.  If you haven't voted on the "beer" poll yet, make sure to go ahead and do so.  Yes, there is a method to my madness.  It's on the right side of the page.

2.  The winners of the Shoe Bags:  I will be mailing those shortly.  I honestly have not had time yet to mail them, but I promise they will be sent by this weekend (hopefully).

3.  Something I would like to start would be a Saturday morning R4P run club for any and everyone.  The main goal of R4P is to help influence friends, family, & strangers to start living healthy.  With everyone's help, whether local or across the oceans, we can start to affect the lives of people in a positive and healthy way.

4.  On a personal note, if anyone has a car for sell that would really like to help me out, it would lift a great burden off my shoulders.  I am not going to get much out of my (stupid people w/o insurance--ugh) insurance company for the '98 Jetta that I own.  I'm looking for something moderately used that can last me a while.

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