Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prize giveaway: Misuno water bottle!

memo:  sorry about not giving an option for >1 week on the fast food poll.  If you don't eat fast food, just select 1x a week and it will be counted as such.

This week's giveaway is a high-quality, food grade stainless steel water bottle that is BPA-free, lightweight, and dishwasher friendly.

To qualify for this giveaway, you must comment on this post AND give your funniest running/workout/exercise/etc... anecdote.  It can be broad as long as it pertains to some sort of fitness or health related experience in your life.  For a change we will select the one we (Sardine & Richard) like the most.  

Thank you all for participating!  The last day of eligibility will be Friday, September 30th.  We can't wait to hear what you have to say!


Sandrine said...

I cant wait to win! I have the best story!


So I was running and training for a full marathon once with one of my friends when we were several miles in and I hit the notorious runners diarrhea!

Yes people it happens to about 40%-50& of us runners out there!

We continued on until I literally could not run anymore and I had started sweating & was in so much pain. I knew that 1/4 a mile ahead was a porta potty-- my to be life saver! We were probably only 1 minute from it when my friend ran ahead and ran back and uttered the most excruciating words at the time "your porta potty... is um there, but its flipped over...." I looked around and saw trees and bushes and a flipped porta potty and wanted to cry. My friend looked towards the bushes and back at me-- no way girlfriend I though, I aint going there! About one minute later I found myself humbled and starting the walk of shame towards Gods beautiful nature... One shirt less, and a few oz of humiliation later, my friend and I gracefully continued and finished our run. And that ladies and gentlemen is how its done! BAM!

Ps- toilet paper & listening more to my body became a huge factor for myself since! Run & learn ;-)

Raymonda said...
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Raymonda said...

A few weeks ago I managed to get under 24 minutes for a 5k run for the 1st time so I treated myself to a bike, something that I'd promised myself for several months, even before I started running.

However having been 20 years since I'd last ridden a bike I was not that great on it and in a short journey of only 3 miles I managed to fall off three times

The amusing part of it was that I was fine when moving but whenever I stopped I forgot to put my foot on the ground and just fell over like a character from a silent movie.

To add insult to minor injury the last fall prompted a heavily pregnant woman to offer to help me up. If I had blushed any more I would've outshone the sun.

Tammy said...

A few weeks ago I was doing a 12 mile training run. It was the best run I'd had in a really long time. As I was stretching I looked down and realized that in my rush to leave the house at 4:30am I had put on shoes from different pairs. I'm still wondering if that's why I had such a good run.

Raymonda said...

I've never had odd shoes Tammy but I have gone out with all my clothed inside out with the washing labels showing.

I have thought of another story which is more running related.

Several weeks ago I went out for a nice 15 mile run and to get to the canal path that I run on I have to cross a walkway over some railway lines. Unfortunately someone had decided to amuse themselves by putting a mattress on the bottom steps and setting fire to it so the stairs were badly burnt and looked precarious, fortunately there was a metal frame with a handrail so I held on to that in case the now charcoal steps collapsed.

I carried on running and all was fine.

As it was a little cold when I started out that day at 7am I was wearing my black running gloves and was unaware that they were now covered in soot and black ash from the handrail.

And so it came to pass that I did not notice until I got home that as I had been happily running along occasionally wiping sweat from my face I was also smearing soot on myself until my face was completely black.

I live in an area with a very high African/Caribbean population and it is a wonder that none of the people I met said anything to the skinny white man running down the street in blackface.

Jonathan Lusch said...

Okay, I have one too -- but it doesn't match the quality of the ones already up there.

About a year ago when I was starting to just run, I would listen to my iPod a lot while running. Well one day I forgot the iPod at home and had no music to listen to, so I started singing to myself. While running on a path in Columbus, I start singing the song, "I love you baby, and if it's quite all right, I need you baby" and unknowingly really loud (why this song? I have no idea. Just popped in my head).

The reason why I realized I was singing this was the stare I got from some elderly looking woman walking slowly in front of me that I was about to pass. Her wrinkled expression she gave me as she turned around and wondered what the hell was coming at her was priceless; I however never felt so embarrassed. Needless to say, I ran faster.