Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Misuno water bottle winner!

Run4Purpose wants to give major props to Ray for sharing his hilarious stories that are related to running.  It is amazing the stupid yet funny things that happen in our lives that just make us laugh.

However, we must give the award to Tammy for her bonehead move of wearing two different pairs of shoes -- and resulting in a great run!

Here is her story:

A few weeks ago I was doing a 12 mile training run. It was the best run I'd had in a really long time. 
As I was stretching I looked down and realized that in my rush to leave the house at 4:30am I had put on shoes from different pairs. I'm still wondering if that's why I had such a good run.

Don't forget that Run4Purpose is meeting up at Antrim Park in Columbus Ohio at 10am on the deck.  Come out and run for health and life with us.  It will be a 5k.  

I will also be posting more on the Juice Journey and the last of the giveaways soon(ish).

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