Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

A quote by Henry Ford has been slithering around in my head ever since I saw it written on a white board in another teacher's room.  Of course no one really pays attention to the "quote of the day" nor do teachers really dive into the meaning or purpose of it, but for that brief instant when I glanced around a math room, I couldn't get the quote out of my head:  "you can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

Of course this semi-aphorism was being directed to the younger generations, but it was trapped in MY conscious for the rest of the day.  Why do people talk about lofty goals but never attempt to even try to reach it?  How do we overcome the habitual complacency we get stuck in?

I then applied it to running.

My goal is to encourage, inspire and inform all people on living a healthier and active lifestyle.  But I, and we, can't just say what we are going to do but not live up to it.  Talk to friends.  Talk to family.  Hell, talk to a stranger.  Make an impact in someone's life.  We can fight diabetes, heart disease, depression, and even suicide.  Give someone a purpose and give it through activity.  Be proactive -- don't just say it.

Thank you to all that have followed this blog the past two months.  Your support has encouraged me a long ways and I have you supporters to thank.  The time you have spent believing in this cause of living purposefully I hope has shaped your life in someway.  I do regretfully say that I will be shutting the blog down -- temporarily.  Life and its duties have caught up with me to steal me away from my lofty ambitions I had for this idea.  I will be closing up shop at the end of October and hopefully rejuvenating it in early spring of 2012; however, I still have plenty planned for the rest of the week -- so don't give up me yet!  

Coming Saturday are the hats and shoes giveaways.  I haven't decided how I will assess the winners yet, but I feel they are the best prizes yet to be had.

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

- Henry Ford


Levi Moore said...

It's been fun. Thanks for the inspiration, I'm super excited to run in the half marathon on Sunday and I'm absolutely positive I would have never been able to accomplish this goal with this site. Thanks again and godspeed!

Levi Moore said...
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Sandrine said...

Than you did an awesome job, and hopefully this site will continue on! It is great to have something like this going for fun and accountability. Now off to a great race weekend we go! Best of luck to us all :)

Mary Frohlich said...

Lets see! 3 months ago I was having a problem getting motivated to exercise. My doctor and I set a goal for me to exercise 3 days a week for thirty minutes a week. I was surpassing that goal each week. So set another goal to exercise every day even if it was just a simple walk at lunch time. So far I have worked out 10 days in a row. I have lost 2 pounds int the last two weeks.