Coming from “down under,” Joe Cross and his 310-pound spare tire he lugs around, crosses the Pacific Ocean and a hemisphere from Australia to set out on a 60 day road trip through the land of the free – and the land of fatty food – all the while drinking a green mysterious substance that makes my nostalgic brain fibers go back to the movie: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: secret of the ooze. Joe drinks 1,500 calories of fresh “veggies, greens and fruits” – or how I call it: “ooze” – a day with a goal of reducing his 53-inch girth significantly and, most importantly, in hopes of curing his chronic auto-immune disorder.
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead feels like an incantation of a Morgan Spurlock production (Super Size Me, 30 days) in where he takes on a health challenge, documents it, and adds witty entertainment to keep your attention. Mr. Cross uses all his will power to not falter on the 60 day fast while being surround by delicious fried, fatty food we are all accustomed to in America while sharing his passion by talking to strangers about his diet and letting them have a taste of it in hopes of influencing them to take a health challenge, as what Joe says, to “Reboot” your body.
To see his trailer, click "Read More."
To see his trailer, click "Read More."
Factoid: the average person consumes –
60% processed and refined foods
30% animal products
5% whole grains
5% fruits & veggies
On the ooze diet you will consume 100% of fruits & veggies – focusing on getting your micronutrients that maximize the vitamins and minerals your body needs to be healthy.
By the end of his 60-day fast, he dropped 90 pounds and was finally off his medication he was prisoner to. His belief on focusing on wealth when he was young made him forget about his health, but he made a decision that was not too late and impacted his life in a way he couldn’t image. The same goes for a truck driver name Phil that he met during the 60-day road trip. Phil had the same autoimmune disorder as Joe (which is a rare disorder in itself) and with that special bond, Phil took the challenge and thus became a new man; he lost over 200 pounds and has changed his lifestyle completely.
My good-natured but very daring wife decided she wants to take a 10-day Reboot challenge – and she is suckering me into it too. All you need is a juicer and fresh veggies and fruits. She took care of the first one already – with my credit card! We are not entirely sure when we are starting yet but if you are daring enough, willing enough, and have what it takes to live off of nutrient rich “ooze” for 10 days, I ask that you join us. If not for you, at least support me and do it because I was dragged into this! We will be starting shortly so let me know if you are in or not! I will be doing some sort of documentation and it would be awesome to have some other perspectives as well.
Check out Joe Cross’s documentary trailer Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead here to see what it is all about. It is only $2.99 on iTunes and if you can find it in a RedBox, it should only be $1.
Tomorrow I start a 1 month boot camp where the first week (7 days) my instructor wants us to do this 'ooze' diet....not sure I can really do it but will give it a try...I start tomorrow morning....sigh.
Oh wow Cheryl. Good luck with it and tell me how it goes. I am curious to see how it goes. Will you have hunger pains b/c of the change in diet? Will you have energy throughout day 1 to day 7? etc..... Keep us informed!
Well, the juicing didn't go as planned: I'm officially a quitter... just started this morning and only lasted half the day. My hands were shaking, I was lightheaded and was still really hungry right after drinking a 24 oz serving of juice...I just couldn't tough it out. Good luck to you!
Jeez... we officially start tomorrow morning and I am nervous as hell. Sandrine the Assistant however is excited.
We will be documenting this "experiment."
I noticed in the promo video that he was eating fruit too along with his smoothies so it is not an all liquid diet.
there are plenty of raw fruits and vegetables you could eat at the same time as the central idea is to eat unprocessed foods.
From what I remember of the documentary, he only does liquid; however, he does eat solidfruits after his 60 days on camera; they probably just put that in the promo.
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